Blog - Appogee HR

Why integrating LinkedIn Talent Hub with Appogee HR could be the best business decision you’ve ever made

Written by Harriet Boshier | Nov 6, 2019 2:51:23 PM

LinkedIn recently launched LinkedIn Talent Hub  - the only Applicant Tracking System (ATS) built on the LinkedIn network. The news of the announcement last year created fireworks (quite literally!) and hiring managers everywhere were thrilled at the news.

LinkedIn Talent Hub is the culmination of LinkedIn Recruiter, Pipeline Builder and Jobs; providing you with a one-stop shop for all your hiring needs and giving you the most valuable insights into your candidate pool.

What makes this launch even more exciting is that you can now integrate LinkedIn Talent Hub with Appogee HR!

In this blog, we’ve outlined the top 5 benefits to integrating your ATS with your HR software and why it could be the best business decision you’ve ever made!

1. Seamlessly Kick-Off Onboarding

Give your new hire access to our Onboarding Portal before they start, to kick off their employee journey with you stress-free and fully prepared. With this portal you can control what you’re new hire can see within your HRIS and include key information such as where they need to report into on their first day and who they need to ask for at reception. You can also allow them to submit pre-discussed leave requests in advance of starting to ensure all they get off to the best start.

2. Save Valuable Time

Using automation to link the data from LinkedIn to Talent Hub can save you time on manual data entry, giving you more time to set up the first few weeks of your new employee’s journey with you, rather than data entry.

3. Peace Of Mind

Our integration comes with a stress-free and secure data transfer. With our integration, there are no data entry errors with our seamless link to pull key data accurately from LinkedIn Talent Hub to Appogee HR.

4. All Your Employee Data in One Place

Once your candidate is selected and you’ve pressed the button to transfer their data to Appogee HR, all the information you need on your new hire is available in one easy to access place. This means you won’t have to be switching from your ATS to your HRIS as this will be done for you.

5. Retain Your New Hire

After hiring your candidate with LinkedIn Talent Hub, using your HRIS is then key to ensuring you retain your new employee. From their first impression of you through onboarding, our self-service absence management and employee performance review processes to improve your employee engagement, Appogee HR can help you retain your hire for the long-term.

Find out more about Appogee HR’s integration with LinkedIn Talent Hub here or, if you’re ready to go, try us free for 14 days!