What is 360 employee feedback?
360 feedback in employee performance reviews is simply asking colleagues who work with your employee for their insights into what it's like to work with them. With 360 feedback, you are asking for feedback from individuals across different levels of your business, including, senior, junior, and peer employees. These individuals could be in other teams or within the team they work in but will ideally come from employees who work closely with them. 360 feedback empowers managers to gather insights from various perspectives within the business and offer a comprehensive view of an employee's performance, fostering fairer and more insightful reviews.

Key benefits to 360 feedback
Requesting 360 feedback offers managers a comprehensive view of their employees. This enables managers to understand how other team members perceive the individual. By gathering perspectives from various sources, the evaluation becomes more valuable for the manager and fairer for the employee. This approach also enhances employee engagement in the review process and within the organisation, allowing both the opinions of colleagues to be heard and their peers' opinions about them.
The insights gained by the manager are extremely beneficial as they may not always be present to observe how their employee interacts with others. Additionally, the reviews will be less biased towards the manager's viewpoint, highlighting areas of excellence and areas for improvement, resulting in a more well-rounded evaluation.

360 feedback in Appogee HR Success
Our Advanced Performance Management module in Appogee HR Success simplifies the 360 feedback process. Utilise easily customisable review templates to define specific topics for feedback and rating scales if desired. With just a few clicks, request feedback for any employee and gain actionable insights to drive performance improvements.
360 feedback is just one of the features available as part of the Advanced Performance Management module available in our Appogee HR Success package.
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