What types of employee reviews are there?
There are a number of different types of employee reviews that can take place in a business. Employee performance reviews are the main type which can take place at several different points in the year. Some companies use continuous feedback via weekly 1 to 1's in combination with more formal reviews at several points in the year to review overall employee performance, sometimes quarterly. 360 feedback is a feature of employee performance reviews, where you can ask different levels of the business for feedback on an individual, or it could be the only requirement of your review. Other types of reviews which can be recorded in an HR management system include disciplinary, end of probation or extended probation reviews, return to work reviews or even project reviews for companies who use project teams. Each have their own requirements for different businesses which is where fully customisable employee review templates can help.
Key benefits of employee review templates
A key positive of having employee performance review templates is allowing for a consistent process for performance reviews throughout you company which ensures each team is following the same guidelines for each different type of review. This could be seen as particularly important if the review is disciplinary to ensure it is always fair on the employee. It's also more likely that if managers have a template to follow that the review will actually be much more productive, with the prep work to be done before the review in an easy to follow format as well as negating the need for team managers to pick the type of review, if they're conducting a performance review, for example.

Flexible review templates in Appogee HR Success
Appogee HR Success provides the opportunity for you to easily create templates that suit your review type allowing for complete flexibility. Alternatively, there are a number of pre-built templates already in the app that could help you if your business conducts an of these well-known performance reviews such as 360 feedback only, annual reviews, disciplinary, extended probation review, interim reviews, end of probation reviews, project reviews, quarterly reviews and return to work reviews.
Flexible review types are just one of the features available as part of the Advanced Performance Management module available in our Appogee HR Success package. To find out more about our available HR software packages and products, click here.