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    In-app end to end reviews

    Keep all of your employee review data in one place including end of probation reviews, back to work, disciplinary and performance reivews with 360 feedback, manager and employee self assessment and much more...

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    What are in-app end to end reviews?

    In-app end to end reviews are when an employee performance review can be conducted within one application, or software package, from the initial employee performance preparation, requesting 360 feedback, employee self-assessment, manager feedback and the final performance report. Also included in-app are shout-outs and continuous feedback which can happen outside of a formal performance review process. 

    Performance review

    Key benefits to in-app end to end reviews

    Allowing for the employee performance review process to happen from start to finish, as well as continuously allowing for feedback has many key benefits. One critical plus-point is having all the information on your employee's performance in one place. This way manager's can easily refer back to past employee performance reviews with ease should they need to, which also helps should you be looking to onboard a newly hired line manager into your business, as they can also have access to past reviews. Another benefit is allowing for consistency of process from start to finish for each employee, allowing for a more productive and valuable approach for managers and for employees.

    in-app performance reviews

    End to end reviews in Appogee HR Success

    The ability to create end to end employee performance reviews in-app is just one of the features available as part of the Advanced Performance Management module available in our Appogee HR Success package. To find out more about our available HR software packages and products, click here

    what is 360 feedback

    Get started today!

    Our advanced performance management module is part of our Appogee HR Success package. Try us free for 14 days or request a demo today.

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