What are shout-outs?
Shout-outs in business are when someone publicly thanks a member of staff for doing something well. It's usually related to work they've done well, such as reaching their sales targets, but can also be something else such as organising a team lunch. Shout-outs are a great way to show employees you appreciate them, especially as they are visible to other employees too.

Key benefits of showing employee appreciation publicly
Employee appreciation is key to ensuring your employees feel valued in your business. By letting them know they're appreciated research has shown they're more likely to stay employed with you for the long-term due and even perform their job even better. It's the key to truly engaged employees, meaning you can get a higher level of performance out of them, all contributing to a happy workforce and an increase in business performance.

Examples of Shout-outs
This image shows just a few examples of the kind of Shout-outs employees and managers can submit. A simple "Thanks for your help!" or "Thanks for making me feel so welcome on my first week" are a great way to publicly show employees appreciation. Specific Shout-outs relating to company or team goals are also possible in-app.
Like and comment on shout-outs
You can also now like and comment on your colleagues Shout-outs! This great feature allows you to create another step in your team building and employee appreciation strategy by ensuring your staff members are all aware of the great job everyone is doing. Check out our demo video below.