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Appogee HR Security Access Controls

Ensure employee information stays secure

Appogee HR takes the security of personal information very seriously. We ensure that you know exactly who in your company has access, what type of access and to what data. Our easy to configure system allows for peace of mind when it comes to your employees. We understand that multiple access levels are necessary, some information needs to be shared whilst strict security needs to be held in some cases.

Allocate Admin, HR Manager, Manager and Employee roles to each user to provide different levels of access to Employee information and leave. These roles provide the basis for the rest of your security configuration. It is through these roles that the necessary functionality is given to employees. Managers will have a different view of their teams in order to complete tasks such as leave approvals or accessing employee data. HR managers have wider access to the business and are able to perform functions such as adding employees and reporting. There are also 3 additional Staff Roles that can be configured, IT Manager, HR Assistant and Payroll Admin. These are optional roles and can be individually configured to provide restricted views to necessary information whilst providing no access to secure data.

The system allows you to set advanced, multi-level security access settings across all employee HR information and records stored and viewed within Appogee HR. At a field level, the admin is able to define which role can access or edit information. There are multiple access levels to field information including, read, edit, hidden and even masked read/edit for additional privacy over details such as bank accounts. Appogee HR is completely customisable, so allows your business to set up content and preferences to suit your company requirements. Audit records allow easy visibility of changes made to Profiles, Records, and Documents for additional security checks.

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