Turning the tables on tracking time: why it’s a positive for your employees Tracking employees’ activity needn’t evoke ‘Big Brother’. It can actually be a caring approach to employee wellbeing, reward and recognition.
Welcome to the new look Appogee HR website! You may have noticed a few changes in our in-app branding recently and today we launched our new look website!
How to fairly evaluate staff performance in a hybrid workplace Who would have thought it? Now that offices are officially ‘open’ – there is a sizeable percentage of the working population that only wants to go...
Why hybrid working is beneficial for employees and employers For years, evangelists of the notion that employment should be based on the outputs people produce rather than the inputs (i.e. hours) they put in...
How to foster a more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace Anyone who is anyone in business can no longer ignore calls from stakeholders for their organisations to be more diverse.
How to discover which hybrid working model could suit your business The advent of hybrid working has changed the way businesses and employees view the importance of where you work, with many people working more...
Infographic: 6 Top Tips To Make Hybrid Working Work For You According to CIPD 86% of employees now want more flexibility to work where they choose in a hybrid working model (part time in the office and part...
How to manage hybrid working with Appogee HR With Hybrid-Working and downsizing office capacity high up on most companies' agendas at the moment, it is important to put a process in place for...
Press Release: How Appogee HR is making hybrid working a reality for small businesses Appogee HR is thrilled to announce the launch of Appogee Time, the standalone SaaS product to help UK small businesses manage hybrid working, office...
XU Magazine: The Power of Partnerships - Interview with Archangel Accounting How HR Tech is helping Archangel Accounting Support Their Clients through remote working & beyond
Why recording time spent on activities could give your business a boost Managing time isn’t just about totting up hours, but looking into (and addressing) what your staff are working on and for how long.
The tool that you need to ensure a safe return to the office If you’re planning a return to the office full time, looking into the hybrid working model or if you want staff only back in occasionally, there’s a...
Is there a productivity and wellness crisis on the horizon? Here’s how you can help avert burnout Working from home: it was supposed to be the ideal way of working that many staff had long been waiting for. With the promise of new-found freedom...
Product Blog: What is Time? We’ve recently launched our latest module Appogee Time into our advanced HR software package, Appogee HR Success. But what is Appogee Time and how...
Video: Your last minute checklist for 2022 planning 2021 has been a year of great change for most businesses. This may mean that your HR admin planning for 2022 might have been slightly delayed. If...